Heather O’Connor

Heather M. O’Connor is an award-winning freelance writer, editor and author. Betting Game, her debut novel with Orca Books, was published in 2015. She also writes short stories, fantasy and historical fiction.

Heather knows all about being a soccer mom. Three of her kids played. In 2006, after 15 years on the sidelines, she bought some cleats and joined a team herelf. Her biggest thrill while writing Betting Game was touring the Toronto FC Training Ground.

Part 1

Part 2

Millie Morton

Millie Morton is a sociologist and author.of numerous articles for a variety of magazines. She grew up on a farm near Stirling, Ontario, and attended a one-room school there. Millie is also the author of a very successful book about her mother titled. Grace, a Teacher’s Life, One Roomed Schools and a Century of Change In Ontario.
 Part 1
Part 2